A personal experiment

Welcome to Lars’s corner!

This place is a big personal experiment, and I’m happy you’re here at the start of it.

Over the coming weeks and months, I will slowly be building out this corner of the internet to reflect everything going on inside my mind. From random thoughts to deeply-researched topics, from how-to-guides to commentary on global events - nothing is off the table.

If there is any topic you wish to hear my thoughts on, do let me know.


There are two formats in which I will share my thoughts with you.

The first will be in blog form, the same as you are reading now. These posts will generally be longer and more in-depth. I’m not yet committing to a writing schedule, but you can expect some consistency in the pace at which these come out.

The second format is my digital garden. This is a wild garden where I loosely tend to ideas and thoughts, and can best be described as my attempt to form a cohesive model of the world. Content will be added here on an ad-hoc basis.

Let’s get started

I’m excited to go on this journey with you. If you’re interested, please bookmark this site and check back later. A place to sign up for email updates will follow soon.

Whether this place will be found by many people or not, my hope is that you will find some value in the things that I write.

Now let’s get started!